Gleaning stems from the centuries old practice of gathering excess crops after a farmer has completed a harvest. In current-day food systems, gleaning is a form of food recovery where locally produced food that would otherwise go to waste is collected and redistributed to community members who need it. This can happen in many different ways. Gleaning groups across New Hampshire work with farm partners and community organizations to harvest surplus crops from a farm, pick up unsold product at the end of farmers market day, or collect donations from backyard and community gardeners with bounty to share. By collecting and distributing locally sourced healthy food to community members in need through local organizations such food pantries, housing sites, senior centers and other community spaces, gleaning reduces food waste and builds more food secure communities.
Gleaning Types
Gleaners pick the fruit or vegetable off of its plant
Already harvested food is picked up at the farm or food producer site
Food is picked up from a farmer's market or another place that aggregates food from multiple different producers
Food is produced at a donation site by a home gardener or commercial producer
Benefits of Gleaning
1 in 15 people and 1 i n 12 children face hunger in New Hampshire. At the same time, according to ReFED, 6.14 thousand surplus food tons were generated on farms across the state in 2022. 4.36 thousand tons (71%) was not harvested and only 91.6 tons (1.5 %) was donated.
Food security
Want to get involved, but now sure how?
Interested in gleaning in NH, but still not sure how to get involved? Please reach out to us.