NH Gleans

Gleaning is the act of collecting excess fresh foods from farms, gardens,
farmers markets, and local producers in order to provide it to those in need

For Farmers and Growers

If you are new to gleaning and are interested in donating a crop, produce from your site or garden, or are a local food producer or retailer, please fill out the form below. Please select your region (county) and someone from your local gleaning organization will be in touch to coordinate. You can visit the regions/map page for additional information.

All glean participants will be trained in proper gleaning methods and sign waivers of liability that protect the crop owner as well as NH Gleans.

Privacy: Information entered here is used solely by NH Gleans and will not be available to the public. We do not share, sell or otherwise distribute your personal information.

If you have other questions, please contact us at NHGleans@gathernh.org, or call Allison Bussiere, NH Gleans Network Coordinator at 603-957-1474.